Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Facebook is all a-buzz this November with people posting a daily item them are grateful for. I decided that instead of putting mine on fb, I'd put it here--all 30 at once. There are many things I'm thankful for. This is a short list and was complied not all at once but over several days. You can tell by the list what was going on that day! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

30 Things I’m Thankful For:

1. My Family.
2. My friends.
3. My job.
4. Good health.
5. Health insurance.
6. The smell of coffee.
7. Sugar-free syrup and cream for my coffee.
8. Diet cola.
9. Margaritas.
10. Middle school kids—they make me laugh.
11. Good grades.
12. Music.
13. My laptop.
14. A large Diet Coke at McDonald’s for $1.
15. Mechanical pencils.
16. Books.
17. Travel.
18. Warm climates.
19. Sparky and the Princess (they keep our family young).
20. Babies.
21. Trips to Vegas with the girls.
22. A car that’s not a gas hog.
23. My friend, Wendy, who reminds me every time I read her blog to appreciate my kids.
24. A quiet house in the morning.
25. Laughter.
26. Logical thinking.
27. A happy heart.
28. Sunshine
29. That I attended the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in person once.
30. Days off.


Shelley said...

I'm thankful for YOU!!!

Wendy said...

That's a great list, Sharmi! Not sure how I can make you appreciate your kids any more than you do though! You're a great Mom. I'm glad you came shopping with is, it was fun!

Mary Beth said...

I am very thankful for our friendship! You Rock Man!

Anonymous said...

Shelley said:
"I'm thankful for YOU!!!"
