Wednesday, November 23, 2011

District Music Festival

The prince spent the last 2 days at a local high school working with a guest conductor. His choir and the two top choirs from the other 2 high schools worked long hours to put together last night's concert. It was truly impressive. The theater is small, but the conductor had the kids march in and move up and down the aisles and on and off the stage for the whole first song. It was COOL! And it was a great experience for the prince. This is what high school is all about!

Group shot.

Can you spot him?

How about now?

Second row, about 3rd in on the left?

It's the best I could do. Guess what I'm getting for Christmas? A new camera! Hopefully it'll take better/closer photos in dark places!

1 comment:

J said...

A new camera?! Awesome!!!!