Sunday, November 27, 2011

We are so brave!

Yesterday we let the prince drive to the local ski resort BY HIMSELF! He asked the day before. Our roads were clear, and so we told him IF there was no bad weather that evening or scheduled for later yesterday, that we MIGHT let him. The weather was great and he was on his best behavior so we let him go. He went up with 2 friends. They took the Taurus (and the low tire pressure light came on AGAIN before he left town--what is up with that car????). But they had a great, SAFE time. He texted me several times, as I required of him. They headed into town around 2:00 to have pizza with friends who were staying in town and then headed home. He didn't break any bones, which was my other concern, and he was home safely before 5:00. Phew! That was really hard for us. We won't let him go again though unless there's more great weather. Just so you know, it's really, really hard letting go.


Shelley said...

I absolutely agree! At least with my big two not living here, I don't have to know EVERYTHING that might scare me.

Glad he did well and had a good time. And just so you know, we are having the same tire issue with our van. You are not alone!

Mary Beth said...

Good Job! I knew he could do it.

J said...

Excellent post! I'm glad he got to go & all went well. And I'm glad he has such a brave time though, he should bring you back a present [you know, besides coming back w/o broken bones!].