Saturday, November 19, 2011


When my mom was young, her parents would give her a quarter to go to the movies. It cost $.15 to get in. Popcorn cost $.10, and soda and candy were each $.05. She had to decide if she wanted popcorn OR soda and candy. Popcorn AND soda was not an option.

When we were kids, she and my dad would send the 4 of us to the movies sometimes. I do not remember the exact price, but I'm pretty sure it was about $1 to get in. She would give me $10. After paying to get us all in, we each had about $2 to spend on food, and it was more than enough. I can remember sending Libby (the youngest and probably 4-6 years old at the time) back to the snack bar to get us more junk! (We were all busy enjoying the movie, while she was easily distracted. Hee, hee.)

Last night the princess went to see Breaking Dawn (without ME!!!! Darn her). She bought her own ticket, which was $12. I scrounged around and found $7 for snacks. She and I both knew that wouldn't get her pop and soda but might get her soda and candy. Later I found a $5 and trader her that for the $2 so she now had $10, though I'm pretty sure it still wouldn't get her pop and soda unless she got the small of each.

To me, this is a ridiculous situation. If my math is correct (and I know MB will check it for me), that's a 1100% increase from my mom to me, a 633% from me to the princess, and a 8700% increase overall! (You'd really better check that, MB. It's early.) Does anyone else find it surprising that there was a bigger increase in the first set of numbers? I did.

The theater my mom went to (and that we went to as kids) has closed down. All the theaters I went to here in town as a teen have closed. For the next few weeks I know our current theaters will THRIVE. I also know they don't get much business during the weekdays most of the year. Still, I've gotta wonder, how much profit are they making on the $5.00 soda??? And will my kids even be able to afford to send their kids to the movies? Will they even need to? More and more I am singing the praises of Netflix!


Shelley said...

You should really just move to Logan. Me and Marty went to the second run theater last night. Usually it costs $3 but I had a coupon that they even used on the weekend which got two admissions for $4. We proceeded to get an extra large popcorn (with extra butter, of course) for $4. We had a friend with us. He, too, ordered an extra large popcorn. The nice lady worker explained that she would only charge us 50 cents for the second popcorn if we wanted to use it as our "refill". Oh, yes, you see that with the extra large you get one free refill. So we got both popcorns for $4.50. As is that weren't good enough, she let us know that if we still wanted refills we could get them for only $1!

See how they treat movie goers here? Movies are huge business here though. Always busy!!!

J said...

You get movie coupons for a discount theatre?? This is an amazing tale of movie good fortune....what a bargain!!! I'm not giving up my little island for it, but it's tempting :-)

Mary Beth said...

Shelley - I am so jealous. That's similar to the movie theater by Fairmont we go to in the summer.
I think theaters here charge way to much, but we can't seem to support a second run theater either.