Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cruise--Day 1

Fort Lauderdale

And who turned the date stamp on my camera? Grrrr

The coast guard, making sure we are safe.

Mostly they were showing off!

Setting sail!

J and me!

Don't you love when your friend tries to surprise you and show up on your trip, but the cruise line won't link her to your party for fear she's a stalker so she has to tell you ahead of time so she can eat dinner at your table???

Jared, the prince, and princess

Andy and Shelley

Becky and Tamires

Andrew, his napkin swan, and his tentacled finger.
The sea does crazy things to the body.
It took the staff awhile to figure out that he's 13--no kid menu needed!


Mary Beth said...

Just the first day looks like so much fun. Everyone looks like they are having a blast already. Yea for J being on the cruise.

Shelley - Andy looks so much like Jared who looks just like Matt. Three look-a-likes!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know J was joining you. What a fun time you guys are having.

J said...

Hey KP - I was disappointed to find out that you weren't coming along on this cruise. I haven't seen you in forever... next time!
ps I'm not a stalker!!

Shelley said...

Okay! I'm ready to go back!!!

J said...

So nice to see you and hang out with your family! Tell Andy and The Flash [Spiderman to me!] I said hi!

Shelley said...

For sure Jeanette! We all enjoyed sharing the fun with you. So glad you came.

MB--Jared and Andrew have always looked a lot alike. I don't see the resemblence with Matthew though. But I'll let them know you thought so.