Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cruise--Day 3 Grand Caymen Island

Our first port was Grand Cayman. The king and I took a similar cruise route about 19 years ago and stopped at this port. We took the same tour you'll see photos of soon. We also tried to swim with sting rays (Cayman is famous for them), but they were agitated from the rain the night before. It was only after that excursion was cancelled that the king admitted to his new bride that he didn't know how to swim. That male ego is really something. He was willing to drown in the ocean instead of admitting his lack of skills in the water! Silly guy.

Most of us opted to shop the nearby shops. Shelley and I even managed to find a Christmas gift for the folks. YIPPEE! And I was determined to purchase some Tortuga Rum Cake (also famous in Cayman and made there), which we did--chocolate, of course, and VERY strongly smelling and tasting of rum. The princess is convinced she was a little woozy after her slice. I think not.

Jeanette tried snorkeling in the area and was sorely disappointed with the quality of her tours.

Jared, Grandma, the prince and the king took a guided tour of Cayman that did not include the banking system. :) Photos follow. Apparently we put the camera away after that excursion because we didn't take anymore photos that day except the very last photo in this post.

Weather in Cayman was in the low 80*s that day and sunny.

Waiting for the bus, Gus.

First stop, Hell, Cayman Islands.

Grandma had some postcards mailed there--postmarked "Hell".

Jared was quickly identified as a Mormon at the post office...weird.

They toured the rum factory--same rum used in the cakes.

They also got to sample some run IF they were over 18.

Grandma bought 3 bottles--as gifts--wink, wink!

This guy was spotted on a patio so the king

was able to snap this shot from quite a distance away.

Then they headed to the Turtle Farm--a big business and huge tourist attraction in Cayman.

The prince



Some of the turtles are 70-years-old and weight 400 lbs.

That evening the kids were in the arcade when an air hockey contest was announced.

They all entered, and the prince took 1st place!

One more thing about Cayman: when the king and I toured we got to see a shallow snorkle area (which is actually located near the Turtle Farm) where the movie "Blue Lagoon" (Brooke Shields) was filmed. It was amazingly beautiful, and it's the way I tend to think of Cayman, though that's not at all what it looks like in most of Cayman. One day in Cayman is enough for me.

By the way, Jimmy Buffet's Cayman Margaritaville in Cayman was rockin' when we walked to it and so crowded that the princess, Shelley, and I couldn't get in for a cool beverage. Maybe some other time.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Grand Caymen does look Grand. Those turtles look like lots of fun. You should have brought one home for a pet!