Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Who do you call?

That's a good question...good thing my mom was around when needed! She's got magical powers. :)

My sister's email:

So I cooked some pork chops and could smell there was some grease from chicken I had cooked a few days ago. The fire alarms went off it stinks in here etc. So I tell myself to lock the oven and turn it on to clean. Low and behold I look at my oven and it's full of flames! I was a wreck and the three youngest decided they were going to leave me in the house. I kept saying to myself,"what do I do?" Then try to open the oven and can't cause it's locked. So what do I do??? Nope didn't call 911 I called our mom freaking out just a little. The fire went out and all was well. Zaya asked how I put it out and I said grama did it over the phone.All is well now and I will wipe the grease out before I try to clean it again. Scary stuff I tell ya.

1 comment:

J said...

Great story! And impressive fire-fighting skills!