Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cruise Tease

It will be a day or two or three before I get more photos up here, but I did want to prove that we really did go on a trip. And I wanted to make sure Wendy didn't have to see her photo first thing when she checks out my blog anymore! We had a great time. I think I speak for the whole crew when I say that. There was lots of relaxing, ice cream, food, shuffle board, pop rocks, ice cream, shore excursions, laughter, ice cream, ping pong, rock climbing, karaoke, ice cream, fine dining, shopping, snacks, and ice cream. :) Photos to follow later. Stay tuned! Did I mention there was a lot of ice cream?


Mary Beth said...

Can't wait to see more pictures. This one is perfect for the Christmas card.

Wendy said...

Whew, thank you! Glad to have you back! :)

Anonymous said...

That's a GREAT photo!