Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Busy Cheer Day

The prince cheered Friday night and then had to be at a local park at 9AM Saturday to help with a fun-run followed by the city-wide, all-school carnival where the cheer team had a booth.  He was there until mid-afternoon.  Meanwhile, the princess cheered a JV football game--we won!--followed by a varsity volleyball game--we won--before moving onto the carnival, where she worked the booth until it closed at 4:30.  That's a lot of cheer responsibility for one day!!

They got their pompoms this week.  Finally, cheering with pompoms!  And "jazz hands" look so much cooler with sparkly pompoms attached!  They did some nice builds; they aren't quite ready to fly girls around yet, but no one got dropped this week, so it's all good!  The last picture is of them at the volleyball game.  It's not great, but it's the best I got, as they were almost done by the time I got over there.


J said...

Looking good!

Mary Beth said...

Nice builds! They are looking better & better each week.