Sunday, September 23, 2012

Best Class Ever

That's the prince, on the right.  They are riding a nice, Coach bus on a school field trip.  On this day, last week, they were headed to the mountain resort town nearby.  After passing through the town, they took the nice, Coach bus on a dirt road for 20 miles.  They got out and hiked for a few hours, got back, made lunch, and then took the bus home.  It was an all-day trip for this one class, and there will be more like it.  The class is called "Life Skills".  Is hiking really a life skill?  I don't know.  It's really a health/PE class, but they never meet in the gym, and they have been to several parks already this year.  He has it 1st period, and they meet at these locations and are back in time for 2nd period.  He is loving this class.  I'm not sure what they'll do once the weather turns, but I do know this class includes a couple of skiing trips.  Is this the BEST CLASS EVER for a senior, or what???

When I asked how the hike was he said, "It was good.  But We just kept going and going and eventually figured out that an adult wasn't with us so we turned around and went back.  I guess we went an extra mile or so!"  DUH!  Stay with the group, silly!

And we got off CHEAP for this trip.  The kids were put into groups, and each group was to make part of their lunch--main dish, side dish, dessert.  He was in the dessert group.  I spent $3 on marshmallows for s'mores.  Some kids had to bring hamburger!  

By the way, that's Ben sitting next to the prince,  I wish his eyes were open.  He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, EVER.  Just sayin'...


Mary Beth said...

I agree - best class ever!

J said... class ever! And, yes, hiking is a life skill!