Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Circus

That's the top of the prince's head.  He and the princess went to the circus yesterday with Aunt Kathi.  Aunt Kathi could hardly sleep the night before.  She was so excited.  The kids have been to the circus with her before, and she's a little bummed that they are growing up.  Who will go with her now?  She even mentioned to the princess that she hoped she would have babies soon so she'd have someone to go with!!!  The princess declined--good thing since she's 14!!!  And just in case you're unaware, Aunt Kathi has her own daughter who is plenty old enough to have some kids for her!!!  Anyway they were a little disappointed in this top-of-the-line circus.  No ringmaster and only one ring--not three.  The prince was most impressed with the band (they even have "clean up the elephant poop" music).  And they both were impressed with the acrobats.  Thanks for making the arrangements Aunt Kathi!

1 comment:

Kathi said...

We're definitely going to the Shrine Circus when it comes in March. Crowded auditorium, bleacher seats, 3 rings going all the time, ringmaster, lots of clowns, AND you get to ride the elephants. It doesn't get much better than that!!! After lots of thought, I prefer a "traditional" circus. Wait a minute. It might be just me and Cara since Mitch might be away at college..... sniff sniff.....