Sunday, September 2, 2012


I don't know where the tradition started, but at football games, each time our team scores, the cheer leaders do push-ups...the number on the scoreboard dictating how many they do.  Friday's game was a high scoring game so there were A LOT of push ups. 

Let's do the math: 7+14+21+28+35+41 (missed the extra point) +48+55=214!  They did cut themselves a break, though, on the last touch down, and the count went like this, "One, Two, Skip a Few, Fifty-five!"  They earned it!!

Don't worry.  The JV cheerleaders also have to do push-ups!  Her addition looked like this: 6+14+20+28+34=102!  (In case you think I don't have my scores correct...the JV team never kicked for an extra point--maybe they don't have a kicker--but went for the 2 point conversion every time.)


Mary Beth said...

No wonder they are looking so muscular!

Aunt Kathi said...

I never knew that Cara had such definition of her muscles! Oh to be young and be able to wear short-sleeved shirts and look great in them..... (sigh)....