Thursday, September 27, 2012


Last night the princess and I were once again discussing her run-in with the antelope.  She said, "That was the scariest thing to ever happen to me."   

I said, "Really?  Wasn't the skunk in your window well that you thought was an intruder scarier?"

"Oh yeah.  It was.  I forgot about that."

After a minute she added, "I hate nature."

She does.  She really does.  :)


J said...

And I want to take her camping why? And she wants to go why? :-)

Anonymous said...

She wants to go because there might be milkshakes or sweetened coffees involved! SL

Shelley said...

It seems to hate her back!

J said...

That is a good enough reason for me! :-) I promise to try to keep the antelope & skunks away....but I will turn on the camera if they look about ready to "attack"....

Mary Beth said...

I would have to disagree with Shelley - the antelope seemed quite 'in love' with her. She was the prize in their love-fight!

The skunk in the window well though - that's not love...