Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today I was working with 3rd graders. Zac was annoying me a little, but he's really cute, so mostly I was putting up with him. At one point I was following him down the aisle, and he was walking VERY slowly, so I told him to speed it up and then playfully pushed him into his chair. Really, it was playful. But then he said to me, totally innocently, "You're kind of pissy today, aren't you?" I had to explain to him that that wasn't an appropriate word to say at school, and that he should call me, "annoyed" next time!

I was relaying this story to a teacher who now teaches 5th grade but used to teach 1st grade. She said 1st graders say that kind of stuff all the time because they just don't know any better, and her favorite story was when a 1st grader who yelled, "Get your A** off the swing; it's my turn!"

Kids...gotta love 'em!

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