Monday, March 30, 2009

Are You Kidding? Really?

How dumb can a 13-year-old be?

First the principal calls Friday to tell me he has detention for skipping an assembly and being caught playing on the 1st grade swings instead. Duh, you don't think a teacher will notice you're bigger than all the other kids???

Today the P.E. teacher calls to warn me of a potential head injury (what, another one??? to go with the constant state of knuckleheadedness he already suffers from???). Seems he and another kids knocked heads while playing some game. The prince had a small goose-egg on the side of his head. The other dufus has a huge goose-egg on the center of his head. The joke in middle school the rest of the day was what a hard head the prince has! An ice pack and a trip to the school nurse later, he'll live.

I'd better not get any calls from Middle School tomorrow, and if I do get some, I'm not answering!!!


Mary Beth said...

Hard-headed? No, not him. lol

Anonymous said...

See? You should be HAPPY that he is hard-headed.