Saturday, March 28, 2009

High School Open House

The King and the Prince headed over to the high school on Thursday night for an open house. Among other things, they talked about the 10 day rule for absences, a ZERO tolerance policy for tardies even if your car breaks down or your buddy kicks you out of the car on the way back from lunch, and opportunities to reinvent yourself. Maybe the prince will be able to leave his dorkdom behind! :)

They also got to meet athletic coaches, talk to people in the various clubs and organizations, and check out the huge campus. The prince bought his first Falcons t-shirt (okay, we bought it for him), and he will be at cheerleader tryouts in April! He's really interested in being a mascot, but apparently, that's where that happens, though they do have guy cheerleaders who are called the Stunt Team and wear t-shirts that say "I pick up chicks." Cute.

The king said those cheerleaders (the girls) were hitting on the prince and the prince didn't even know it. I should hope not!!

Stay tuned for the roller coaster ride that is HIGH SCHOOL!

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