Saturday, March 14, 2009

Too Much Information?

It's probably really self-indulgent, but I love these things. I saw this one on a friend's Facebook page and decided to do it with my answers. Feel free to not read it if you could care less--and I totally understand if you do!!

First thing you wash in the shower? hair

What color is your favorite hoodie? don't have one, unless you count the purple one w/the zipper

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes

Do you plan outfits? yes

How are you feeling RIGHT now? calm

Whats the closest thing to you that's red? chair

Tell me about the last dream you remember having? can't remember one recently but my recurring nightmare is calling 911 and being put on hold

Did you meet anybody new today? no

What are you craving right now? water

Do you floss? yes

What comes to mind when I say cabbage? eggrolls

Are you emotional? not usually

Have you ever counted to 1,000? probably as a kid

Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? both

Do you like your hair? usually

Do you like yourself? usually

Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Yes

What are you listening to right now? my son wailing on the guitar

Were your parents strict? no, their motto was: give her enough rope to hang herself. I never did.

Would you go sky diving? no

Do you like cottage cheese? yes

Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes, Liberace. Try not to be jealous!

Do you rent movies often? for the kids, about once/month or less

Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? my rings I'm wearing

Have you made a prank phone call? as a kid

Ever been on a train? yes

Brown or white eggs? white

Do you have a cell-phone? yes

Do you use chap stick? no, carmex

Do you own a gun? no

Can you use chop sticks? not unless someone ties a rubberband around them for me

Who are you going to be with tonight? family

Are you too forgiving? probably, but that's how I roll!

Ever been in love? yes

What is your best friend doing tomorrow? I don't know

Ever have cream puffs? yes

What was the last question you asked? What are you doing, brother?

Favorite time of the year? Christmas

Do you have any tattoos? no

Are you sarcastic? that's also how I roll

Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? no

Ever walked into a wall? Yes

Favorite color? red

Have you ever slapped someone? yes

Is your hair curly? slightly wavy

What was the last CD you bought? Hair Spray soundtrack

Do looks matter? yes

Could you ever forgive a cheater? depends on what they cheated on

Is your phone bill sky high? no

Do you like your life right now? yes

Do you sleep with the TV on? Only on the weekend if my husband is watching something

Can you handle the truth? yes

Do you have good vision? yes

Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? I don't hate anyone, but on any given day I might dislike many people (usually small children), but I always give them a fresh start the next day

How often do you talk on the phone? as little as possible

The last person you held hands with? my daughter

What are you wearing:? t-shirt and sweats

What is your favorite animal? don't really have one

Where was your default picture taken at? what's a default picture?

Can you hula hoop? I could as a kid, can't now

Do you have a job? yes

What was the most recent thing you bought? dinner at Taco Johns

Have you ever crawled through a window? yes, with my son in tow

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

That was hilarious - some strange questions.