Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dancing Queen!

The Princess was awesome yesterday at her dance competition. She and the rest of her team members won several awards. Her dancing school won even more, and her friend, Christian, who dances on another team, also won several. It was a really fun day for the girls, coaches, and parents! Way to go Ladies!!!

This is the princess' team before the competition started. Lots of makeup for little girls!

Two of the girls on her team go to school with her. The other two girls are from other parts of town.

All ready to go. One of the girls on her team gave her this flower.

All the girls, after the competition. The princess is on the end.

With the big trophy after the show. This trophy will stay at the dance school!
One competition down, two to go. Can't wait for the next one!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Awesome job Sister! You & Christian rocked it on Saturday!