Sunday, May 17, 2009

NYC and DC or BUST!

We took the prince to the airport this morning at 7:30. Though the parents all looked exhausted, the kids were ready to go! He'll be in NYC this afternoon (already called from Minneapolis to "check in") and will be on top of the Empire State Building by about 10 PM our time tonight! Best of all, he's in a group of 8 boys that includes some of his best buddies, and their chaperon is the English teacher, a woman who appreciates the prince for the knucklehead he is. May God bless her richly this week!

By the way, Shelley, he's in good company. The boy in red and the boy in blue are LDS! :)

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I hope he has an awesome time - it looks like he got a good start.