Thursday, May 7, 2009


I should have "STUPID" tattooed across my forehead!

I have a cool pair of brown boots. I wore them all over Vegas a year ago when I was there. Very comfortable, cute...

Lately, I've had some foot problems, and the boots aren't as comfortable as they once were, but I really wanted to take them to Vegas when the king and I went in February. So I thought I'd be cool and bought some of those Dr. Scholls "gellin" inserts.

I splurged on the more expensive kind, cut them to fit my feet and put them in the boots. They didn't seem to fit quite right so I cut them some more...and some more...and some more. They kept looking backward, but it does have the foot designation stamped on the insert so I decided it must be right. I finally decided they were as good as they were going to get and wore them in Vegas. They weren't great, but they were better than nothing.

Still, I wondered why Dr. Scholl spent so much money on a not-that-great product.

I wore them a few weeks ago. Still not impressed.

I decided to wear the boots today. Hmmm...

They were really bugging me this morning so I took them out and looked at them again.


Yes, it was the right foot, but it also said "bottom". DUH! No wonder they looked backward and wouldn't stay in place. I had them in the right foot but upside down!

I'm doomed to be stupid. Didn't Weird Al sing "Dare to be Stupid?" I don't dare. I am!!!!


Mary Beth said...

I think you need a margarita to overcome this tramatic experience!

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister!