Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sucker Game

Since my kids were little, I've called the claw machines in arcades "Sucker Machines" because they suck up all your money. My kids never believed me because on occasion, the king's uncle would come visit us and bring the kids armloads of the stuffed animals he had won with claw machines. He had a knack for it. Often, the king tries the machines, and sometimes he wins.

Worse yet, when my mom had her bingo hall, she or my brother would sometimes open the door to the one she had and let the kids take whatever they wanted! How easy is that!

So now the kids like to give those machines a try sometimes. The prince won a little bear this winter and gave it to the girl he took the the Valentine's dance (of course, I did not know this at the time and only learned about it later, from the girl's mom!) Last night the princess had her first "win" at the sucker machine. The prince claims it was his supreme guiding skills "a little to the left, now down, over, over..." But you can tell by the look on her face that she's taking all the glory, not to mention the ugly little animal, for herself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marty's brother, Dee, is amazing at those. When we lived next door to him he was ALWAYS bringing them over. Occassionally I would round up a garbage bag full and donate them. Also, Jared's favorite stuffed animal of all time...still in his room (shhhh..)is a pig that Marty got out of Mom's machine a hundred years ago after only spending fifty cents. Admit it--you would have loved them too as a kid!