Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cruise Fever

My brother and his wife went on a cruise to Mexico in March. I have a friend who is cruising Alaska right now. We have friends going on one this winter. It's been over a year since I went on one and much longer since the king, prince, and princess have gone. We are longing for a cruise. Dreaming. Wishing. The kids recently told me they would rather go on a cruise than go to Disney World--which is what we were sort of looking at doing in the spring! Even the princess said she would fore go her fear of motion sickness for a cruise. We've got it BAD!

These photos were taken by my brother in March. I am posting them without his permission, but I don't think he'll mind! :) Love you, Bro!

Elevator on their ship.
How cool is that????



Shelley said...

I think this is the LONGEST I've gone without cruising in years. I've got it bad too. Sadly, Marty will NOT forego the fear of motion sickness to take me!

Anonymous said...

Then you'd better go with us if we go. Leave him home. You can stay with Mom, cuz maybe we can talk her into going! :) SL