Friday, June 4, 2010

That's Gross!

Yesterday was the last day of school, and the 6th grade had their awards ceremony. I was standing in the back with other adults when the princess--and 14 of her classmates--were called up to receive an award the PE teacher was giving. In a class of 120+ kids, only 15 had managed to bring their PE clothes to class each day, so he gave them each a certificate.
The teahcer next to me said, in a very serious voice, "You must be proud."
I replied, "I'm more proud of another award she's getting later." I knew that she was getting the President's Award for Academic Excellence.
After the awards were all done, he came back up to me and said, "I see why you are more proud of the other award."
And I said, "Here's the truth about the PE award. I don't know about the other 14 kids, but in the princess' case, she had her PE clothes every day because SHE NEVER BROUGHT THEM HOME AND WASHED THEM!!!!"
She claims she did bring them home once or twice. I don't know; maybe...
Still, we are proud of her. In addition to those two awards, she hauled home another PE award, student council and talent show participation awards, an honor roll award, and a math testing award. She rocks. Her dance recital is tomorrow. After all the princess, princess, princess news, perhaps the prince will make an appearance in this blog again! ;)

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