Wednesday, June 2, 2010

That's Rude!

Should I wait until tomorrow to tell you the story? Nah, just kidding.
So this year, the dance teams have been riddled with injuries. Lots and lots of injuries. From broken toes, to fractured legs, to displaced hips, to muscles pulled away from ribs. Ouch!
This past weekend we were at a garage sale where we saw this boot--yep, it's yours, Karen. The princess and I decided it would be a funny joke to have her walk (limp) into dance rehearsal last night in the boot. She was able to borrow crutches too, to complete the effect. It couldn't have worked out more perfectly. As she hobbled into the theater (they're rehearsing for their recital this week), both of her dance teachers were in the theater lobby. The look on their faces was PRICELESS. I wish I had my camera then!
Both of them were nothing but nice as the princess told her story of woe. It was early...I was tired...I fell on the stairs...broken tibia...They were really so kind, and I was starting to feel badly for them as I tried not to laugh. The princess is a great actress. Meanwhile, in their minds, they are both trying to decide how best to revamp the 7-8 dances she's in and rework the order of dances for the show and fix the program that hasn't gone to the printers yet...
After several minutes she came clean. They all had a good laugh, but I think we owe those nice ladies something really nice now!!!
And yes, my biggest fear, in doing this little prank was that she might actually hurt herself right before the recital. The crutches go back to their owner today. Hey Karen, do you want your boot back? :)


Unknown said...

That's awesome! Nah, don't need it back. Pass is on... :)

Shelley said...

Mean....but pretty funny!

J said...

Excellent prank!!!

Mary Beth said...

It was a GREAT prank - hopefully does not really happen.