Sunday, June 6, 2010

Recital Funny

I will post photos from last night after I download the pictures, but I had to share this story in the meantime.
One of the dance groups at this school is a teen group. Last night they did a jazz number and then later a belly-dancing sort of dance with tambourines and long skirts and the whole nine yards. It was pretty cool.
At one point in the dance, the prince leaned over to me and said, "I want to join that group."
"Why? Because it's where all the hot girls are?"
"No! Because I could totally do that belly-dancing. Sign me up for belly-dancing!"
Hilarious. I'm sure the dance teacher's jaw would drop if she knew a guy wanted to belly dance!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I'm sure he'd be a great belly dancer.
I have pics for you - I'll try to email them later today.