Thursday, June 17, 2010

I love...

I love a good night's sleep. After a poor night Tuesday night (too hot, too much snoring next to me, couch not comfortable) last night a storm came in. It cooled everything down to GREAT sleeping temperatures. If there was any snoring last night, I didn't hear it. Ah, what a good night's sleep will do for your mood.

I love that the prince has driven three times with his driving instructor and not had any problems (that he's admitted to). His partner tends to "veer to the right" when they're on the highway, but at least she hasn't put them in the ditch yet--which happened to another driving team.

I love driver's ed! So glad we don't have to do the initial driving with him! :)

I love that it's been 3 days of the Insanity Workout and no fighting yet between the kid yet.

"I love it when a plan comes together!" We saw the A-Team last weekend. That's my new favorite line!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Wow! Not often that you guys see a movie before us. We don't do crowds, so will see it soon. Enjoy your good mood as I am watching my cake friend's FIVE children for about 10 hours today. Oldest is only 8 years old. Heaven help me!!! Luckily they are the sweetest most mellow boys and girl!