Friday, December 3, 2010

Cheer Dance Off, Um, I Mean Dinner

I am pleased to announce that the cheer dinner appears to have been a hit on all fronts. The prince and crew ate all the pasta (lots of sauce left over), the last of the ladies didn't leave until after 9:00, there was much laughter, screaming, DANCING, loud music, and merriment. And best of all, NOTHING was spilled on the carpet! Phew!
I believe only one person was missing from the dinner. That's a good turn-out, and I counted, there are 23 of them.

They all went downstairs to dance, and when I came around the corner, I saw this. Why some of them left their cell phones on the desk is a mystery to me, but I thought it was funny.

We offered to have them put their coats on the bed. They all declined. Cheerleaders are kind of weird.

Funniest conversation I heard all night:
Cheerleader: Prince, I like your window treatments.
Prince: My what?
Cheerleader: Your window treatments.
Prince: I don't know what that is.
Cheerleader: Umm...those things (as she points to them).
Prince: The drapes?
Cheerleader: Drapes?
This went on for about 30 seconds. Too funny. I call them curtains.


Mary Beth said...

That looks like a good time!

J said...

The pictures are great & the conversation is quite interesting! So glad nothing spilled.....