Thursday, December 9, 2010

Licensed Driver!

Excuse the almost closed eyes (it's hard to tell what the photo looks like on the little cell phone screen), but here is the prince at about 4:30 yesterday, new license in hand! He passed his test! It was a worrisome few days. Other kids from his class had already taken the test this week, and one of them had failed. There is still lots of snow out there. We drove by a girl taking the test and trying to parallel park in a snowbank. But it all went fine (he did bump the curb parking, but she still passed him), and he'll be driving to school today all by himself. He might need to get up a little early to scrape his windows. Those of us who park in the garage don't have to worry about that!


Unknown said...

WooHoo! Happy day in your house!

Shelley said...

Kids driving gives parents a little freedom. Congrats to all of you!

J said...

YAY!!!! Driving is the best!!

Mary Beth said...

Woo Hoo! Way to go - on the first try! Good job!