Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

On Friday the prince and princess hauled all the Christmas stuff up from the basement. As hard as it might be to believe, we actually have less stuff with each passing year, as I try to get rid of something each year. Not sure what it'll be this year though. We've whittled it down pretty well.

The stockings are hung, the nutcrackers are up on top of the kitchen cabinets (the prince put them up there...even though they've not gone up there since the first year we lived here), and the princess decorated almost the entire tree by herself. I do have two bags full of ornaments the kids made when they were very young that are just to "precious" (read UGLY) to go on the tree. The princess didn't know why they were in the bags so she put all the ugly--I mean precious--ornaments on the tree this year. If you live in town you should come take a look. It's a beauty!

I'm very thankful for the help of my sweet little elves this year. Gifts are wrapped, boxes are put away, and we're ready to revel in the season.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

How nice for them to want to help! I am on my own here. Jared didn't even want to help decorate the tree this year, although he did enjoy getting it set up.