Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tis The Season

Tis the season to lose a few brain cells--and I don't mean through spiked eggnog.

The king and I spent a couple of hours yesterday tearing the house apart, looking for the photo Christmas cards I bought a couple of weeks ago. I had them at work earlier in the week, trying to address them (it didn't happen). I was sure I'd brought them home because the address book was back in its place. But the cards???? No where. I knew, knowing me, that I had stashed them somewhere to get them off the counter and they would be on top of wherever they were. But the king didn't believe that so he really went through drawers, cupboards, closets...

Eventually I decided I must have left them at work so we headed to school to search from them.

No luck.

Back to tearing the house apart. Finally he asked, "How much did they cost?"
"Fifteen dollars." (Gotta love Costco.)
"Well," he said, "Just order more."

So I did.

Soon after that I opened a desk drawer (same drawer I had searched several times) to look for an envelope, and guess what I found? Yep. The darn cards!!! Under a piece of paper.

Though I called Costco, it was too late to cancel the order. So...when you get our card, if you just love it and want a duplicate, let me know. I have plenty!

On the up side, my closet is now neat and organized!

1 comment:

J said...

Dontcha hate it when that happens! But clean is good!!