Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hello Reading, I've missed you.

I spent most of today (when I wasn't finishing my Chrsitmas cards--still have lots of extras if anyone wants one--,taking the girls sledding, visiting with MB, proof reading the prince's paper, or running the princess to dance) reading. I haven't done much of that lately, as you can see by my book list. So my new year's resolution, that I might put into place before January 1, is to spend less time playing on the computer and more time reading. My nightstand is about to topple over from all the books waiting to be read. And I'm sorry Shelley, but that just might mean I won't blog daily! Gasp! On the upside, you'd also not need to send me a daily gift on Farmtown, because I might give that up too. Nothing has been decided for sure, but I must say, it was a nice day away from the lap top. Now...back to a good book.


Shelley said...

Happy to do the daily gift. And a daily email from you will suffice if you don't blog! :-)

J said...

If you could get the kids to handle everything for themselves, you could read all the time & play on the computer! The boy is driving......:-) Whatever you decide: Enjoy!!

Mary Beth said...

It's about time you started on the pile I've sent your way. Let's discuss over margarita's when you finish the first!