Saturday, February 28, 2009


Here's the happenings for us of late:

The prince registered for HIGH SCHOOL yesterday. He'll be taking math, science, English, PE, and for his electives he signed up for computer essentials, and Spanish. As alternates (if those aren't available) he chose chamber band (because it has guitars in it) and some other I can't remember. I'm sure he'll get into Spanish, but not sure about the computer class. I kind of hope it's full and that they place him in band. I'd like to check that out!

The princess has her first big dance competition this weekend. We're off to have her hair braided in a couple of hours and then have to be at the Holiday Inn by 11:30. We'll be there until early evening even though she only dances in one performance! Good times. I know she'll be great, and I hope they win a trophy, because it's all about the trophy at this age!

I am still battling my cold. Not any worse, but not any better. Mornings seem to start out pretty good, but I'm done by about 4pm. Whine, whine, whine. Let me call the waaaambulance!

The king becomes an hourly employee again on Sunday, complete with overtime pay. We've been missing that these years that he was a salaried employee. Now when he has to work after hours, we'll say, "Ca-Ching"! Of course, we give up quarterly bonuses to get overtime, so it's really a wash, but still, who doesn't want to say "ca-ching" a couple of times a week!

Have a great weekend!

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