Thursday, September 16, 2010

Anatomy of a Broken Arm

The following photos show the progression of the prince's broken arm. I warn you now that some of the photos will make you go EWWWWW. You don't have to read on. He had the stitches out and new xrays yesterday. They are very pleased with how things are healing, but he was not released to do anything more than lift 1/2 gallon of milk yet. No cheer. No mascot. Bummer. He'll go back in 4 weeks when they expect to release him for most activities. I'm sorry for the many blog entries with this post, but I was not able to get it to look right with the various size/format photos. I'm not the computer expert I pretend to be!


J said...

Very glad it's healing well! And I must say again.....that boy does know how to get good injury pics!!

Shelley said...

Glad to hear things are going well! I wasn't thinking there would be that many stitches. EEWW!