Thursday, September 30, 2010

I did NOT say that!

I think it's probably clear that OTC (Opportunity to Complete--YOUR HOMEWORK) is the bain of my existence at work. The other day is a perfect example of why.

I had several naughties in the room. Much to my glee, my BFF came in to visit for a minute, but that's of course the time when the naughtiest of them had to act up. She saw why I don't get paid nearly enough...or maybe she saw how those moments balance out the many moments when I'm very overpaid to sit around waiting for some kid to need my help.

At any rate, here's what went down:

As I'm trying to converse with my BFF, "Bill" keeps talking, interrupting, and bothering those around him. About that time, I notice another disturbance in the back. "Ted" needs to borrow paper from someone, but apparently you must bother everyone in a 10 foot radius for that to happen.

I finally tell Ted to come get paper from me, but first I grill him on where his own paper is. I think he was too lazy to go to his locker and get some so he told me it was "at home." I said, "Okay, call home and ask your parent to remind you to bring it to school tomorrow."

While he's on the phone, I try to converse with my BFF, but Bill, sitting too close for comfort, is still being a pill. Suddenly I catch part of the conversation Ted's having with his dad. "She said she'll slap me if I don't bring paper to school."

"I DID NOT SAY THAT!!!!" I bellow, loudly enough for Dad to hear me on the other end of the phone line.

The class is now in fits of laughter. I have lost total control of the situation. The BFF quickly high-tails it out of there, not wanting to watch my demise, I'm sure.

So I have to lecture Ted about lying, slander, libel, etc. Then I write him up. I quickly write Bill up for the multiple disturbances he has caused, and alas, there is once again, harmony--and more importantly, QUIET--in OTC. But I'm quite sure the BFF would never believe it, given what she saw, and I know she'll never come back to visit me at school again! As for Ted and Bill, they'll have other opportunities to cause me grief as they are, what we like to call it in the school world, "frequent fliers" to OTC.


Unknown said...

Oh... She told me about her visit to your classroom... LOL!

J said...

You are NOT paid enough.....

Mary Beth said...

It was funny - you had your "teacher" voice on and it had to be. I did have to scoot on out of there - I was interupting the show!

Shelley said...

Trying NOT to be offended that I am not the BFF!!!