Thursday, September 2, 2010

You mean school has started?

Yesterday was what I like to call, "6th grade reality lesson 101." Last Thursday and Friday there wasn't much homework, if any. Monday most of it could be done in class. Tuesday there was "real" homework in most of their classes. Thus yesterday was my first real day of OTC. OTC stands for Opportunity To Complete (your homework, you big dummy). They have to spend their lunch and recess with me, finishing late work. They had lots of excuses--I left it at home; I forgot to do it; I had football practice--but the teachers don't really care. Finally, as one kid was lamenting having to spend his lunch with me he said, "I thought we'd have more time before the teachers were serious about homework. In 5th grade we got a few weeks to get used to things before they got all mad and made us turn stuff in."

First of all, I used to work with the 5th grade teachers, and I know that's not true.

I can't wait to see how many knuckleheads want to spend their lunch with me today!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I'll agree that the homework has started for 6th graders. We have had some every night this week.