Friday, November 26, 2010

Averting Trouble

I'm too tired to download the photos from yesterday, but I didn't want to be in trouble with my sister, who is waiting for a post, so...

Got up at 2:45 to be at the Target parking lot at 3:30 to carpool to Sears by 4:00. MB got the washer and dryer she wanted and we were at Walmart before 5:00 am to get "gifts" she needed. We were at the mall by 6:00, west end Target by 7:00, Starbucks in Target by 7:05. Back at the Heights Walmart by 8:15. Breakfast at 9:00, and home by 10:00. I walked in the door, and the king said, "You're home already?" :)

I got the Princess about handled. I've still got a long way to go with the Prince. Most years it's the other way around. But it'll all be a Merry Christmas, any way you spin it! Perhaps I'll get those photos posted tomorrow. For now my nap has worn off, and I'm headed to bed!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

WHAT??? No lunch at Dos?