Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Middle Schoolers Crack Me Up

Perhaps I should have said "8th graders" because all three stories happened to involve 8th grade boys.

#1: Yesterday (when it was about 30*), as I was leaving, I saw a kid without a coat. I said, "Dude, where's your coat?"

"I'm Latino," he replied. "I'm always HOT."

#2: Today at lunch, a kid asked me, "What does 'kovated' mean?" He emphasized the VA syllable.
"WHAT?? Spell it."
"C O V A T E D."
"Coveted?" He didn't know what that meant either.

#3: Minutes ago I heard the blow dryer in the boy's bathroom (next to my room) go off for the fourth time in a row. I thought I should check out who was messing around. It was the Downs syndrome kid, warming up his back a little. He thought it was hilarious when I caught him! I did too, but I didn't let on. I'm telling you instead!

Gotta love those kids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have such a fun job---or should I say interesting? :}