Monday, November 8, 2010


There is a radio station in town that has decided that there is no such thing as "Monday". From now on, there is only "Funday".

So here's to Funday. And I hope it's a little quieter week than last week. Last week there were dentist and orthodontist appointments, talent show rehearsal and the actual show, 4 days of cheer practice plus a game to cheer at, and jury duty.

This week is looking better...only 3 nights of dance because there's a choir concert tonight. Three days of cheer before the big chicken heads to the volleyball tournament out of town, a day off in the middle of the week for the princess and queen...

You know what? Never mind. It's going to be another one of those weeks. Enjoy!


Mary Beth said...

Busy week - good thing the Vegas planning meeting is on Thursday!

Shelley said...

What is this Vegas planning MB speaks of?

I think ALL your weeks are like that. Me? Not so! I would NEVER trade you lives.

J said...

I second Shelley's question....