Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married...

Prince William isn't the only one to have a royal engagement announcement this week! We are proud to announce the engagement of cousin Matt and Liz! Congratulations!!

Unfortunately, this is the only photo I have of them. Yikes! Hopefully I'll have a better one soon. And can you tell how excited the others in the party are??? :)


Becky said...

They don't have lots of pictures together. I told Liz they need to work on that, and she agreed. But Matt doesn't like it's problematic haha

Shelley said...

I have one that is good of them. I'll email it to you. Becky took it this summer. It's not a staged shot, but good of both!

Mary Beth said...

Yea! They look OK in this pic, but it's the other ones who make it a great photo. Especially the youngest brother & father.

J said...
