Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rough Trip!

As you can see from the photos, the prince was really working hard on his volleyball trip. He did say that he was a big hit among the small children from all towns, and he did have players/cheerleaders wanting to have their photo taken with him when he was in the Falcoe costume. Only one other school brought their mascot so he wasn't able to get a photo with that person as they were never on the court at the same time!

At a game.

Hot tub.

Bus buddy.

The Thinker.
(That's what he's calling this one,
and I had to include it
just so you knew he didn't always
have his arm around some girl.
Is it any wonder
he wanted to be a cheerleader?????)


Shelley said...

So many girls, so little time!

Mary Beth said...

I thought he was cheering during this trip, not girl-getting! Looks like fun.

Becky said...

What a stud! I now know for sure that Mitch and I are related.