Thursday, May 31, 2012

8th Grade Graduation

She did it!  She is all done with middle school.  We are so proud of her.  She gave a great speech that had the audience laughing the whole time.  She didn't cry at all--and neither did I, much to my surprise.  She's on to high school and very ready for her next adventure.  Congratulations to our PRINCESS!!!

 Marching in. 
Gold cords denote 4.0 GPA.

About 120 graduates.

Singing "Do I Make You Proud?"
Yes, yes you do!

 Giving her speech.
She brought the house down!

 Receiving her "Certificate of Promotion".
You don't really "graduate" from 8th grade.


 Proud parents!

After lunch celebration with Jeanette, Kathi, Dad, Christian, Grandma, and Mary Beth.
That's one lucky girl!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Last Day of 8th Grade

Today was the last day of school for the princess.  The last day at this school.  The last day of 8th grade.  They played games, cleaned out their lockers, had a bbq, and practiced for their graduation ceremony tomorrow.  Oh yes, and it was also spirit day.  Can you tell that they'll be going to 2 different schools?  Good luck class of 2012!

I suck.

Today when I got to work I noticed a small patch of graffiti on the wall by my door.  It said, "Mrs. Lagge sucks".  I took it as a badge of honor.  I know the kids have said that and worse about me from time to time, but this was the first time I saw it in writing.  We managed to clean it off without too much damage to the wall.  I'm pretty sure I even know who did it...the kid I sent to the hall yesterday.  He wasn't at school today...all the more reason to suspect him.  :)  At any rate, when I reported this to my boss I got--are you ready--A FIST BUMP! I guess I've earned my middle school stripes!

Long Live the King!

Happy Birthday to the King!
Wishing you a day and year of nothing but family harmony!
But then again, you have teenagers.  :)

Flashback to 1992.
20 years ago...ah youth, where have you gone?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dance Award

Tonight the princess received her dance award for 5 years with her studio.  It included a hug!  :)

It's good to have goals.

At the beginning of the month I thought it was quite possible that I could have 50 posts by the end of the month.  I have far surpassed that, so with only a couple of days left and several more big events ahead, I've decided that my new goal is 75.  I'll make it.  You'll see...especially since I did a little filling with the next 2 posts.  :)

The Good Ol' Days

In 1943 a group of 65 movie starts got together for this group shot.  If you click on it, you should be able to see it larger.  I've listed their names at the bottom.  That's pretty impressive!

1st Row: James Stewart, Margaret Sullavan, Lucille Ball, Hedy Lamarr, Katharine Hepburn, Louis B Mayer, Greer Garson, Irene Dunne, Susan Peters, Ginny Simms, Lionel Barrymore
2nd Row: Harry James, Brian Donlevy, Red Skelton, Mickey Rooney, William Powell, Wallace Beery, Spencer Tracy, Walter Pidgeon, Robert Taylor, Pierre Aumont, Lewis Stone, Gene Kelly, Jackie Jenkins
3rd Row: Tommy Dorsey, George Murphy, Jean Rogers, James Craig, Donna Reed, Van Johnson, Fay Bainter, Marsha Hunt, Ruth Hussey, Marjorie Main, Robert Benchley
4th Row: Dame May Whitty, Reginald Owen, Keenan Wynn, Diana Lewis, Marilyn Maxwell, Esther Williams, Ann Richards, Marta Linden, Lee Bowman, Richard Carlson, Mary Astor
5th Row: Blanche Ring, Sara Haden, Fay Holden, Bert Lahr, Frances Gifford, June Allyson, Richard Whorf, Frances Rafferty, Spring Byington, Connie Gilchrist, Gladys Cooper
6th Row: Ben Blue, Chill Wills, Keye Luke, Barry Nelson, Desi Arnaz, Henry O'Neill, Bob Crosby, Rags Ragland

Public Service Announcement

With the king's birthday tomorrow, I thought I should share this important service announcement.  He's not 55 yet, but it never hurts to be prepared.
For those who are over 55 . . . despite what you may have seen on the streets, the following combinations DO NOT go together.
1. A nose ring and bifocals
2. Spiked hair and bald spots
3. A pierced tongue and dentures
4. Miniskirts and support hose
5. Ankle bracelets and corn pads
6. Speedo's and cellulite
7. A belly-button ring and a gall-bladder surgery scar
8. Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor
9. Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
10. Pierced nipples that hang below the waist
11. Bikinis and liver spots
12. Short shorts and varicose veins
13. Inline skates and a walker
And the ultimate 'Bad Taste' in Fashion for the 'Older folks' .....
14. Thongs and Depends

The King's Birthday Party

We celebrated the king's birthday a couple of days early with a bbq with family and then cake with friends.  It was a good day!  Happy early birthday!

Monday, May 28, 2012

NCY/DC in my livingroom.

The princess got home late from her trip.  I was in bed.  When I got up the next morning I could almost hear the stories just by looking at what she had shown to her dad!

All the good stuff piled on the chair.

He's cute.

 That's cute.
I wish she had gotten one for me.

 That cute purple mug is from the Statue of Liberty.
They saw Mary Poppins, but she picked up a Lion King water bottle.

And look what I found in the tv room.  A very exhausted princess who didn't even make it to her bedroom.  She slept in the chair all night.  Welcome home!

Saturday's Snow

Not gonna lie.  I was a little disappointed to wake up to snow Saturday morning.

 I was a little worried for the columbine as well as my other plants (poor baby geraniums...), but I think they are all going to survive.

Visibility wasn't real great either!

Yesterday was overcast and rainy but no more snow.  Today it's really windy and cold.  Summer will be here soon...I just know it!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cool Fog Photos

While in NYC, the princess took this cool photo.  It looks like the building is disappearing into the fog.

It reminded me of this cool photo I took of the Golden Gate Bridge a few years ago. 

For J

Cara took this at the Smithsonian for you!  :)

Ballet Recital

The princess had her ballet recital on Friday night.  No photos allowed, but it was really good.  She took this photo with friends before the show with the caption "We wear leotards like pros".  Yes, yes they do!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

8th in the state!

Congratulations Mark. 
8th place in the 100 M at the state meet. 
That is impressive! 
We're proud of you!


She's back.  She's rested (after getting to miss most of school yesterday).  She's got a suitcase full of souvenirs.  She's got a better, global view of the world.

She had a great trip.  She learned a lot about the history of our nation and put concrete visuals to much of what she's learned in Social Studies this year.  They ran from early morning until late at night each get their money's worth, and to pack as much in as possible.  Half of the kids on this trip had never flown before.  Many had never been out of the state.  She said they had 2 "real" meals on the trip and otherwise it was continental breakfast and lunch/dinner on the run.  She said she ordered a lot of smoothies because then she felt like she was getting some fruit in her diet.  :)

She was very impressed with Mount Vernon (Washington's home), and she wished she'd had more time in DC.  She said there was nothing really happening in the Senate when they got to sit in the galley, but she still found it fascinating--and a chance to sit down.  No photos are allowed there, and in fact, they take your camera before you go in.

She was most impressed with the badge memorial that you'll see in the NYC post.  She also said it was sometimes hard to appreciate what they were seeing (like the 9/11 memorial) because of the pace they were keeping.  Hurry up and get there.  Look around.  Get going again.  She said she knew she should be awed by the 9/11 fountain, but she just wanted to sit and rest. 

Finally, she has a deeper appreciation for home.  Not the people in it, necessarily, but our state, our pace, our clean air, our abundant personal space. 

This trip was worth every penny!  But I'm so glad she's safely home, with us, where she belongs.


 Got my ticket!
Get me on that plane!


 Roosevelt Memorial


 Changing of the guard at Arlington
She found him to be very handsome.

 The White House
Would you let these 2 chuckleheads in?
I think not.

 Korean Memorial.
She said that at night, the way they are lit up, they look like ghosts.

 WWII Memorial

Mount Vernon


 Yankees Stadium!

 NYC from the Empire State Building

 On top of the Empire State Building

Statue of Liberty

 9/11 Memorial at the sight of the World Trade Center

 Badges--part of a 9/11 memorial--she "thinks" it was at Trinity Church, and she "thinks" it "might" be badges of fallen heroes, but it "might" be badges of the fire/police/rescue workers honoring the fallen.  Maybe...

 Matt Lauer
(Check out the guy wearing man-capris!)
Some members of the group were spotted on tv, but the princess was not.

At FAO Schwartz

Friday, May 25, 2012

Last Friday of the school year.

Today is the last Friday of the school year (for the princess and me--the prince has finals next Friday).  In honor of this special day, I'm posting the top 10 things I love about my job--in no particular order.  And I challenge my blog friends to post the top 10 things about their jobs as well!

1.  Weekends off.
2.  Long summer breaks.
3.  Hilarious kids.
4.  My sarcasm thrives at this job.
5.  Great people to work with.
6.  I get to use a mechanical pencil ALL DAY LONG!
7.  I have finally mastered middle school math, years after taking it.
8.  Some of my co-workers have become some of my best friends.
9.  Sometimes we go outside for class--it's like having a break ALL DAY LONG!
10. There's nothing better than watching kids have that ah-ha moment when learning sinks in.  (It looks good on adults too.)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Run Mark Run!

Good luck at the state track meet this weekend Mark. 
Go Badgers!
(That's handsome Mark in the white shorts in the front.)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Congratulations Tyson!

Yippee!  Another high school graduate in the family!
We are so proud of you Tyson!
Onward and upward!

No graduation is complete without a party! 
Woot!  Woot!