Thursday, May 3, 2012

Old Man Work-out Clothing Line

As I was traveling in the car with the princess and a friend, we saw two different, older gentlemen out jogging.  Both were wearing shorts (though not athletic shorts), t-shirts, tennis shoes, and white sock pulled up to mid-calf.

Princess:  I hate it when people don't wear work-out clothes to work out.
Friend:  Don't judge.  Maybe that's the Old Man line of work-out clothes.

Hysterical???  I think so!


Shelley said...

Phew! So glad I brought my workout clothes to your house this trip.

Wendy said...

lol Was that fashionista Christian talking?

Anonymous said...

No Wendy. Sadly Christian was not with us, or I'm sure the conversation would have been longer than 2 sentences. But I was driving them to Christian's at the time. :) SL

Mary Beth said...

Hilarious! 8th graders have great reasoning.