Thursday, May 17, 2012

We're so proud!

Tonight the princess was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society.  This is a great honor.  In addition to having at least a 3.6 GPA, you must also get the highest score possible on our state testing in math and reading and meet the character criteria as well.  We are so proud of her!

 Here she is lighting the candle for character,
 before giving her speech on character.
She did a great job,
and was so poised and professional.

 Signing her name in the Honor Society book
that holds the names of so many
students who paved the way.

 Getting her gold cords--gold denotes a 4.0 average.
They will wear these cords at graduation.

 Taking the oath.

And finally, here she is after the ceremony with her English teacher.  This teacher runs the Honor Society program and will also be the chaperon the princess has been assigned to during the upcoming trip.  We love her and have been so grateful that she's taught both the prince and the princess!

What a great night!


J said...

Congratulations, Cara! Have a great trip!

Mary Beth said...

Yay for your smart girl!

Aunt Kathi said...

Good job, Cara! I can't believe that I have seen you in a dress TWICE in the same week. You look so pretty.