Saturday, May 26, 2012


She's back.  She's rested (after getting to miss most of school yesterday).  She's got a suitcase full of souvenirs.  She's got a better, global view of the world.

She had a great trip.  She learned a lot about the history of our nation and put concrete visuals to much of what she's learned in Social Studies this year.  They ran from early morning until late at night each get their money's worth, and to pack as much in as possible.  Half of the kids on this trip had never flown before.  Many had never been out of the state.  She said they had 2 "real" meals on the trip and otherwise it was continental breakfast and lunch/dinner on the run.  She said she ordered a lot of smoothies because then she felt like she was getting some fruit in her diet.  :)

She was very impressed with Mount Vernon (Washington's home), and she wished she'd had more time in DC.  She said there was nothing really happening in the Senate when they got to sit in the galley, but she still found it fascinating--and a chance to sit down.  No photos are allowed there, and in fact, they take your camera before you go in.

She was most impressed with the badge memorial that you'll see in the NYC post.  She also said it was sometimes hard to appreciate what they were seeing (like the 9/11 memorial) because of the pace they were keeping.  Hurry up and get there.  Look around.  Get going again.  She said she knew she should be awed by the 9/11 fountain, but she just wanted to sit and rest. 

Finally, she has a deeper appreciation for home.  Not the people in it, necessarily, but our state, our pace, our clean air, our abundant personal space. 

This trip was worth every penny!  But I'm so glad she's safely home, with us, where she belongs.

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