Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Birthday Celebration #4

Last night we had the final (really, I think it is) family celebration for the prince.  Grandma and Kathi were able to join us.  He picked out this awesome ice cream cake at Dairy Queen, and when his friend, working behind the counter, asked what he wanted written on the cake he said, "to me!"  So she did! 

That seems like a lot of celebrating, and it is, but I look at it like this:

1.  You are here, on this planet.  That's a pretty spectacular miracle really.  We should all celebrate that every chance we get!

2.  Kind of like not regretting rocking my babies to sleep, I'll never regret the multiple birthday celebrations.  At times they were stressful because we had a lot going on, but I'll never regret having done them.

So celebrate, my son.  Life is good!!!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Hope the celebration continues through the month!