Thursday, May 3, 2012


The princess was given the assignment to write about an adversity she had faced and how she over-came it.  This would be easy enough for most of us with plenty of adversity to go around.  When she said she was having a hard time coming up with an adversity I jokingly suggested she write about being a little sister.  She didn't think that was too funny.  Shelley and I racked our brains, trying to come up with something, but the fact is, the girl has lead a charmed life.  This assignment helped her realize that.  Eventually she came up with an idea, and it was pretty spectacular--if I do say so.  She ended up writing about how sometimes she lets what she fears others will think of her get in the way of doing what she really wants to do.  You go girl!  Gotta love those life lessons.


J said... go girl!!

Mary Beth said...

Great subject for a paper.