Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I suck.

Today when I got to work I noticed a small patch of graffiti on the wall by my door.  It said, "Mrs. Lagge sucks".  I took it as a badge of honor.  I know the kids have said that and worse about me from time to time, but this was the first time I saw it in writing.  We managed to clean it off without too much damage to the wall.  I'm pretty sure I even know who did it...the kid I sent to the hall yesterday.  He wasn't at school today...all the more reason to suspect him.  :)  At any rate, when I reported this to my boss I got--are you ready--A FIST BUMP! I guess I've earned my middle school stripes!


J said...

A fist bump! You are a hero to all those who dare to work in middle schools around the world :-)

Mary Beth said...

It is very much a badge of honor. You should be proud.

Wendy said...

I like what J said....anyone who dares work with middle schoolers deserves more than a fist bump! ;)