Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Final Dance Competition

The princess had her final dance competition this weekend.  We were lucky to have Shelley and Becky here to watch, but do I have any photos to prove it?  NOOOOO!  Hopefully Becky will send me the photos of her doing the princess' hair.   

Still it was a great weekend of dance with all of the princess' dances taking 1st place in their categories.  Her solo scored 2nd in her age group (over 60 dances in that group!).  Their dance studio did a production number (a longer dance combining several songs/dance styles) featuring music from West Side Story, which was awesome!  I can't wait to see it again at the recital.  And all the dances from the studio did very well.  It was great fun!

She's wrapping up her dance year.  She'll have her competitive studio recital in 2 weeks and her ballet recital in 3 weeks.  She's looking forward to the break from dance too.  There's cheer to focus on now!  :)

First place solo trophy!

 Award mania!

We call this the "Wonder Woman" pose...complete with gold bra.

With Grandma!


J said...


Mary Beth said...

Great job! Loved all your dances, they were perfect!