Saturday, January 31, 2009

Superbowl Cheers

Since so many people we know have migrated to Arizona, I have two words for tomorrow:


Fun Facts

I spared you many but did feel the need to post the best--according to me!

1. "Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand And "lollipop" is the longest word typed with your right hand.

2. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

3. The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet.

4. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

5. A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.

6. Babies are born without kneecaps. These don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

7. February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

8. Leonardo da Vinci invented the scissors.

9. The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

10. Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


So I'm walking by a third grade classroom yesterday, and I hear the teacher say this, "We've talked about how the human body is made up mostly of water. The same is true of animals. So when one animal eats another animal, he's taking in all that water."


Monday, January 26, 2009

It's A Spice

Today at work a 3rd grader was taking a reading test. He raised his hand, and I went over to answer his question. He said to me, "What's a cinnamon?" I said, "It's a spice." I got to wondering why he was asking and looked at the test question which began, "Which of the following words is a SYNONYM for..." This is why I love my job!!!

Baby, It's Cold Outside

My niece and nephew do a great rendition of that song, by the way!

So last week I blogged about the warm weather and summer-like activities I witnessed. By this past Wednesday, an arctic blast headed our way and by Friday we were once again below zero. Over the weekend we got more snow--at least 3 inches. And today it's still below zero. We're really hoping this is our last arctic blast of the season. It is suppose to get up into the 40's later this week which means the snow won't stay around for long. Except, of course for the drifts in the back yard that are still with us!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Rose By Any Other Name

I'm sure you're familiar with the Shakespeare quote from Romeo and Juliette: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

This photo had me putting my own spin on the quote: "A knucklehead by any other name is still a KNUCKLEHEAD."

God bless the knuckleheads!

Zac Efron Update

Even from hundreds of miles away and many years later, I'm still causing trouble for my little sister! And her daughter is causing trouble for her little sister! Here's part two of the Zac Efron saga as it unfolds...

Libby emails me the following:

Ariana was wanting to write you back but she gets ready and decides she just doesn't know how to tell you about Zac not wanting to marry you without hurting your feelings! She likes you way too much! So we'll see what she comes up with. I asked her why Zac couldn't marry you and she said, "Because when we get older our skin gets crinkly!" Anyway, as she's admiring her letter some more Mariah decides to go upstairs write herself a letter "allegedly" from you, puts it in an envelope and everything. She waits for Ariana to go to the bathroom and dashes outside to act like she got it out of the mailbox! She comes in and starts reading it. It goes on and on about how Mariah is the most beautiful of all and how Zac will marry Mariah because she's more beautiful etc. etc. Ariana threw a fit, screaming and crying!!!! Eventually Mariah told her is was a joke and then she was find! KIDS!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Grandma ROCKS the Wii!

Grandma came over for dinner tonight and to give the King a scalping--oh, I mean haircut. She played the Wii for the first time too. A little bowling, a little Mario Cart racing. Good times!

This one looks like a STRIKE!

It takes awhile to get the hang of releasing the ball. She did throw the ball into the crowd once--but only once!

By the third lap she hardly ever hit the wall! :) Rock on, Grandma!

Ringing in the New Year

This post is a little late, but I just downloaded the pictures to the computer!

The princess, myself, the prince, and his friend all rang in the new year
watching the ball drop in NYC with Dick Clark.

The king was otherwise indisposed!

Here's to a banner 2009!

Zac Efron and the Princess

I have a regular correspondence with Princess Ariana. Early this week the princess, along with her older princess sister (holding the letter) and her younger princely brother (looking on in awe) went to see High School Musical on Ice. After that, I sent her a letter telling her that I think Zac Efron might want to marry me someday. Libby caught her face right as she was hearing that part. The Princess doesn't want to hurt my feelings, but she doesn't think Zac will EVER want to marry me! (Sob, sob.)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And the GEEKS shall inherit the earth...

The double agent was able to fix our problems. Problems with the router and something else. Not really sure of all the geek terminology. He wouldn't give us his home phone in case of future trouble, but he did give us his geek card. Really, as reliant as we all are on our computers now, the geeks will rule the world--if they don't already!! So my laptop is working great, but I can't print from it because the printer is hooked up to a computer full of bugs! We've gotta dump it and start over, but not I'm enjoying my laptop, while sitting on my bed watching American Idol. Life is good!

By the way, both yesterday and today, the geeks who came over were wearing the geek uniform. Black shoes, navy dress pants, a white button-down shirt, and a navy sweater over that. I noticed that BOTH geeks were wearing white athletic socks with their navy pants and black dress shoes. Just goes to show you, you can dress up the geek, but he's still a geek inside!

Laptop Update

Let's see...

Yesterday the geek squad came over. First of all, they are referred to as "agents". He put our OLD router back on, so Rich boxed up the new router to return to Walmart. He spent 2 hours trying to get my laptop to: A--consistently hook up to the internet, and B--find my printer. It wouldn't do either. He did have to call his boss, who I assumed was the "secret agent" a couple of times. Eventually he ruled out "human error" but just couldn't bring himself to admit that it was a faulty computer. In the process of jumping back and forth between the Vista laptop and the XP desktop, he did fix the desktop, and it's now letting me stay online and everything!!! Love that. Finally, at about 6 PM (he'd been here since about 4), the "secret agent" called and told him to reschedule. Today the "secret agent" is coming over, but he's not called a "secret agent" with the Geek Squad (that's just what I call him). His true title is--are you ready?--DOUBLE AGENT! I am NOT kidding!

The second thing, when I got home from work yesterday, the Geek Squad car was parked out front. I was a little embarrassed by this because most of my neighbors know I work in a computer lab. "She works in a computer lab but can't fix her own computer?" You have no idea!!! Luckily, he was parked more in front of my neighbor's house than my house, so hopefully, they think he was at the neighbor's house!!! And he did take his shoes off when he came in!

We'll see if the Double Agent can handle my kryptonite-laden computer!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Too Good Not to Post


The prince is home sick today. All the symptoms of strep throat but the rapid test was negative. We'll wait for the longer version to finish. Meanwhile, he shared a drink with the princess at the movie yesterday...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Super Brian's Kryptonite

Last Sunday I got a new laptop. We turned down the opportunity to have the Geek Squad come and hook it up for $100.

We couldn't get it to work. We could hook it up to our internet connection but couldn't get out onto the web.

Friday night Super Brian came over to fix it. He replaced our router. He spent 3 hours working on it. He couldn't fix it. He tried. He stayed until after 11:00 PM. I think he went home and cried. He had found his kryptonite.

Saturday I could hook up to the internet!!! Super Brian HAD fixed it--or so I thought for a little while. But I was soon booted off. After trial and error all day, it seemed that if another computer was running or the phone was being used, I couldn't get on. Later in the evening, when I was home alone with no phone being used and no other computers turned on, it still wasn't working.

It really was Super Brian's kryptonite.

So tomorrow the Geek Squad will be coming out in an attempt to fix it-for $100. Maybe it's their kryptonite too. If they can't replace it, we'll return it. The Geek guy (also referred to as an "agent") said it could be a Vista/XP thing. Whatever!

Maybe that beautiful new laptop is my kryptonite too!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Funny Email

To all my friends and relatives who have sent me best "wishes", chain letters, "angel" letters or other promises of good luck


Could you please just send cash, margaritas, chocolate, wine or airline tickets instead?

Thank you!


Our weather's been unseasonably cold with much more snow than we usually get. So today it's in the high 50* and SUNNY!!! It's so funny how warm that feels. When I went out to get groceries today I saw several people out on motorcycles, our mailman was wearing shorts, and one guy was driving a convertible with the top down!! These are the same people who, if it had been 80* and dropped to 57*, would be bundled up in sweaters and coats!!!

Our snow mounds have decreased greatly, but there's still plenty of snow in the back yard, and the tree that was really buried is now really leaning! We'll have to stake it in the spring.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blessed Montana

For those of us who've been there:


On the sixth day God turned to the Archangel Gabriel and said: "Today I am going to create a land called Montana. It will be a land of outstanding natural beauty; a land of lakes, each one full of fish. It shall have tall majestic pines, peacefully flowing rivers, landscapes full of buffalo, tall grass, eagles, beautiful blue skies, forests full of bear, elk and moose, and it will be rich in farmland."

God continued, "I shall make the land rich in resources so as to make the inhabitants prosper and they shall be known as a most friendly people, people who practice being nice every day."

"But Lord," asked Gabriel, "don't you think you are being too generous to these Montana people?"

"Not really," replied God, "just wait until you see the winters I am going to give them."

Blessed be the winters...for it keeps the rif-raf out!


Phew! I remembered the funny dinner story. Maybe I won't have to see my doctor about my dementia just yet.

I racked my brains for something that might have happened at our table. Suffice it to say, we're boring. But then I remembered...

Last Saturday night I went to meet "the girls" for dinner out. We went to Famous Daves--a bbq place that's very popular. It sits on a MAIN road--lots of traffic. When I pulled in I was lucky to get a good parking spot on the main road, close to the door (that usually doesn't happen!) I was a few minutes early so was listening to a good song on the radio (Hal Ketchum--Small Town Saturday Night) when the elderly couple two cars down from me came out of the restaurant.

They got in their truck and then he got right back out and walked up onto the grass in front of his parking space. He then UNZIPPED HIS PANTS AND RELIEVED HIMSELF!!!!! Right there, facing the busy road, for all to see. I was lucky to be blocked from a bird's eye view by his truck.

Now, if he'd been thinking...he would have used the bathroom in Famous Dave's, which I know was working because once we were seated, I had a view of the bathroom and could see men and women going in and coming out all evening.

Again, if he'd been thinking...he could of walked over to where I was parked because at least there were high bushes in front of my car that would have blocked the people on the road from being able to see him. (I would have had to duck inside my car so as not to embarrass us both!)

As it was, he just took care of business...right front of God, me, and everyone else. Then he got back in his truck and drove away.

I was howling, laughing!!! Sheesh!

So does this story translate in blog form? It was funny at the time!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

More insignificance...

My sister writes: No, no, no! In an e-mail on 1-11 you said, "Check out the blog in the next day or so. Funny thing happened at dinner last night!" So, I'm still waiting...SKS

My reply: Huh, I took a test at work the other day that showed I might have dementia. This might be another sign because I have no memory of that email or of anything funny happening at dinner lately! Shoot. I'd better make an appointment to see my doctor!!! ;)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Funny Dinner Story

When my sister read the previous post, she commented back, wanting to know what the funny dinner story is. No where in the post do I mention a funny dinner story--do I? Nope. I think not. So I decided she must be referring to my comment to Brian that I had chili for lunch??? Here's the story behind that:

Brian's got a blog, and for a couple of days he commented on what he had for lunch. Then he decided, if his blog was just going to be about what he ate, maybe he wouldn't blog. So for a few days, he didn't post. I then saw him last weekend and told him I needed him to update his blog so I would know what he was eating. He then blogged that he had an omelet. Thus my reference to having eaten chili.

Not funny at all. And one of the insignificant blog posts I was just talking about too!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new post

Mary Beth says I need a new post. I guess it has been about 2 weeks. But I'm back at work now and so don't have time to focus on the insignificant as much. Mind you, the blog is not insignificant, but most of my postings are!

I got a new computer--a laptop--and as soon as SUPER BRIAN comes over to fix it, I'll be blogging from it. Right now it's got some glitch that won't let me hook up to the Internet. Maybe the king really bought one without Internet connection so I can't be on the computer all the time!!

So that's it from here. Blog post completed. And, in case SUPER BRIAN happens to read this post, I had chili for lunch!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


When you play Karaoke Revolution, if you're really bad you get booed (or rained) off the stage. Being the gifted vocalist that I am, that's never happened to me--yet!

I figured my vocal abilities would translate into equally awesome guitar abilities so when I took my first turn at Guitar Hero-Aerosmith the other day, I was a little surprised to find that I was not very good and that, sure enough, Joe Perry threw down his guitar, Steven Tyler threw down the microphone stand, and the band WALKED OFF THE STAGE during my "Sweet Emotion" solo!!!

The prince had to then put me in "practice" mode so I wouldn't feel like such a loser. But sooner or later, with a lot of practice (you know, when I'm 13 again and have lots of extra time), I'm gonna totally ROCK that song!