Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And the GEEKS shall inherit the earth...

The double agent was able to fix our problems. Problems with the router and something else. Not really sure of all the geek terminology. He wouldn't give us his home phone in case of future trouble, but he did give us his geek card. Really, as reliant as we all are on our computers now, the geeks will rule the world--if they don't already!! So my laptop is working great, but I can't print from it because the printer is hooked up to a computer full of bugs! We've gotta dump it and start over, but not today...today I'm enjoying my laptop, while sitting on my bed watching American Idol. Life is good!

By the way, both yesterday and today, the geeks who came over were wearing the geek uniform. Black shoes, navy dress pants, a white button-down shirt, and a navy sweater over that. I noticed that BOTH geeks were wearing white athletic socks with their navy pants and black dress shoes. Just goes to show you, you can dress up the geek, but he's still a geek inside!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

You're not supposed to wear white socks with dark dress pants?